Through the experiences and proven success of the Founders, Kios Partners provide support to its customers in risk management to achieve quick results.
Kios Partners help its customers make decisions through the analysis on technological maturity, market positioning, capability and capacity, financial situation and sustainability of the portfolios and/or products and services.
With the special methods experienced in the field for long years, Kios Partners help and assist the investors, who want to sell their companies and/or establish partnerships, to create a strategy and business plan, to decrease the costs, to increase the income and profitability and then the overall value of the company prior to any efforts to sell, merger and to set up a partnership.
Kios Partners assist the companies, who wants to acquire or merge with an entity, in technical analysis and evaluation of the target companies as well as in the definion of strategic fields of development.
Kios Partners provide support and assistance to the companies in the formation of new management teams and managerial principles, lessons learned in international level and in strategical plans, investments and financial processes.
Kios Partners help the start ups find the investors to transfer the good ideas/technologies into new investments and activities.