- Understanding and analysis of the stakeholders’ expectations relevant to the ongoing business and its results,
- Sector analysis (size, growth opportunities, market trends, competitive landscape, etc.)
- Analysis of business plan, company strategy, opportunities to increase the enterprise value,
- Revaluation of the entity in line with international standards,
- Preparation of detailed operational and managerial information deck (prospectus) and submit it to the prospect investors,
- Selection of potential local and foreign strategic and financial investors,
- Setting up the first connection with the candidate investors, short listing, organisation of meetings and visits,
- Advising on the selection of the auditors, lawyers, consultants for due diligences such as industrial and HES,
- Management of the overall due diligence processes,
- Supports on the negotiation strategies, timing, alternate options on financing the deal,
- Advising on the key critical steps in the transaction such as sales/acquisition contracts, transfer of shares and ownership, etc.
- Support on the payment terms and conditions.
- Strategic overview and analysis
- Strategic business plan
- Definition of assets for sales/acquisition/merger and revaluation,
- Selection of cunsultants and operation partners,
- Constitution of the list of potential buyers/sellers,
- Preparation of teaser and information memorandum,
- Management of info for “data room”,
- Preparation of management presentation.
- Contacting potential buyers / sellers,
- Communication through “Teaser”, “Information Memorandum”,
- Data room preparation,
- Management Presentation,
- Draft contract
- Offer
Processing / Transaction
- Letter of Intent
- Short listing,
- Date for last proposal,
- Efficient and intensive management of “Data Room”.
- Retention of best offer,
- Final agreement,
- Contract and transfer of the ownership.